Strict warning : Only variables should be passed by reference dans views_page_title_pattern_alter()
Since then, when I go on pages made by views, I got this srtict warning :
Strict warning : Only variables should be passed by reference dans views_page_title_pattern_alter() (line 33 in /sites/all/modules/page_title/modules/views.page_title.inc).
To fix the original problem in views.page_title.inc, replace line 33 with this:
// $h = array_shift(array_splice($h, count($args)-1, 1));
$hh = array_splice($h, count($args)-1, 1);
$h = array_shift($hh);
December 23rd, 2011 - 03:47
Thanks, it works! Your page was found faster than http://drupal.org/node/1206164